Click to view backstory from 2015 - 4 min

INSIDE JUSTICE: Slim's Chance emerged out of the documentary A Violence Disrupted. INSIDE JUSTICE is a multi-part documentary that explores the criminal justice system through one individual's crime story and focuses on the case of 'Slim'. It takes the viewer on a journey through the eyes of an unlikely participant asking questions like "If someone is considered a criminal by the age of 23, does that mean they can never be reformed?"


BEFORE bringing this story public and to a network or distributor, we needed to independently film many of the events happening and have been doing that as the story unfolds in real time. There has been  a ticking clock on certain dates.  Because safety and veracity are of utmost concern, our best option for funding at this time, is to request help from friends, colleagues, and the larger creative and socially conscious community.

UPDATE 2023:   As a result of all the hard work and advocacy, and some new policies in Los Angeles area, there is an opportunity to refile Slim's evidence on some key issues. As things are moving forward post-Covid, we need to resume getting outstanding investigative items covered on film, and the early start of pulling and editing some select sections of the footage. Currently, there is a need for funds to prepare and file essential legal documents. -  This was successfully filed.  Thank you!

UPDATE 2024 LAST LAP!  As I write this, the long awaited DNA from the driver's airbag in the getaway car is being tested and there is a male DNA profile that was extracted!   Any day we will be getting the identity and final results.  We also now have a top notch lawyer with the innocence advocates who will be completing the post-conviction legal portion of the work. As Slim's saga nears its conclusion, we will be gearing up for the production in the future and will keep you updated. However, in one week we have scheduled a film shoot to capture the reveal of the DNA results and next steps.  There is an immediate need to raise substantial funds to cover filming and related expenses for the reveal and return of the DNA coming up this month. We don't want to miss documenting this pivotal moment in a forensics lab, featuring new technology, our lawyers, and DNA experts. Your support is needed to ensure we capture this important chapter of Slim's story and witness.

Outcome and what's next:  We met this specific  financial goal  along with crew persons who volunteered their time and services.  Thank you..

New innocence advocates lawyer & DNA Expert examine first DNA report

The DNA return is being split into two parts now.  The first part of the DNA results were returned and some additional results we expect back by the end of October.Some incredible developments occured iwth previous witnesses on the same day,  Of course,  I am not at liberty to write about what occured  or make public until everyting is  back and submitted to the recently formed conviction integrity unit.  

 There are a few outstanding strands I will be filming as the new lawyer meets with specific experts and any funds contributed here will go toward that.   Concurrently,  I will now looking for production and/or financing  partners to move fully into production.  More to come.

Thank you for your contribution as every little bit helps and is used immediately for the production costs and filming.

If you would like to see the initial teaser on this project 
please click on the Inside Justice image above.

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